Die Entwickler von WordPress haben vor wenigen Tagen die neue Version 6.6.2 veröffentlicht. Das geplante Update behebt 15 Fehler im Core und 11 im Block Editor. Das nächste größere Update mit Version 6.7 ist für den 12.11.2024 geplant.
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WordPress 6.6.2 Core
- #60892 About Page: `text-wrap: balance;`adds unintended new lines in Japaneese
- #61550 Template contents are wiped out on rename
- #61561 autofocus query string parameter in customizer url is broken in WP6.6-RC2
- #61578 Issue with search functionality in installed themes section
- #61638 Site Health Tool - Directory sizes stuck in loading state in WordPress v6.6 RC3
- #61690 wp_calculate_image_srcset triggers warnings when WP_CONTENT_URL is a relative URL
- #61704 global-styles-inline-css rule introduces breaking changes " :root :where(body)"
- #61714 Text "None" disappeared from Align Display in WordPress 6.6
- #61719 WP_HTML_Tag_Processor doesn't allow to set a valid image src
- #61738 Docs: Improve docs to include recommendations for changing existing admin bar menu items
- #61741 Interactivity API: Directives cannot access derived state properties on the server
- #61748 Setting Button block to Outline Style causes CSS output order to change and cause conflicts
- #61749 `wp_list_pages()` depth of `0` can show only top level of pages
- #61769 Global Styles: Prevent empty CSS rules and malformed selectors for custom css for blocks
- #61829 Some layout styles have increased specificity in WordPress 6.6 within the non-iframed editor
Fixes im Gutenberg Editor
- Global Styles: Fix block custom CSS pseudo element selectors
- Featured Image Block: Reduce CSS specificity
- Fix bumped specificity for layout styles in non-iframed editor
- Don't allow duplicating template parts in non-block-based themes
- Data Views: Don't render action modal when there are no eligible items
- Fix canvas issues by removing VisualEditor’s height
- Post Editor: fix click space after post content to append
- Post Editor: Prevent popover from being hidden by metabox
- Post editor: apply space below content using a pseudo-element instead of padding-bottom
- Avoid errors for post types without a 'menu_icon'
- Update postcss-prefixwrap dependency to 1.51.0 to fix prefixing in :where selectors
WordPress Ankündigung unter: https://wordpress.org/news/2024/09/wordpress-6-6-2-maintenance-release/